Royal College of GPs Scotland Patient Participation Group- Recruiting Now

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

rcgpsThe Royal College of General Practitioners Scotland are currently recruiting for patient members of their Patient Partnership in Practice (P3) Committee.

This role is voluntary and unpaid, although reasonable travel expenses are provided.

P3 meets four times a year to gather views, develop ideas and lead activities that encourage GPs to work in partnership most effectively with the patients, and to highlight any issues.

There are currently three vacancies for members on the group.

If you care about the quality of services delivered by GPs and would like the opportunity to respond to primary care developments in Scotland on behalf of patients, please print, complete and send the application form attached here

Torness Underground Cable Replacement Works to Commence January 11th 2016

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

SP Energy NetworksSP Energy Networks (SPEN) is shortly due to commence the replacement of a section of ageing underground cable which runs from Torness Power Station to Branxton Substation.

Preparatory work and mobilisation will commence 11 January 2016 with the programme of works scheduled to run through to completion in November 2016, barring any unforeseen developments. To progress the project as quickly as possible and reduce the term of impact on the community, they plan to work on a seven day basis.
Continue reading “Torness Underground Cable Replacement Works to Commence January 11th 2016”

Happy New Year

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

poppies at barns ness


We at East Lammermuir Community Council would like to wish you a very Happy 2016.

The first meeting of the year will take place on Tuesday 12th January at 7:30pm in Innerwick Village Hall.