Belhaven Hospital Community Update – 21/4/2023

belhaven hospital

Belhaven Community Update 

In our March update we informed you that we had experienced a delay in the programme of works for Ward 3 due to some unsatisfactory test results.   We are pleased to confirm that that our thorough inspection of the repair works is now complete and we have commenced a further round of disinfection and compliance testing.  So far.. so good .. but we do not wish to be complacent!

Following the final round of testing, there are a number of smaller tasks that need to be completed before we can confirm the ward is ready to reopen.  This includes activities such as fire checks, health and safety walk rounds,  deep cleaning etc.  These checks are being scheduled to take place in the coming weeks.  At our next meeting on 3 May, we aim to be in a position to confirm a reopening date for Ward 3.

In Ward 2, the remedial works are progressing well.  As this is now being utilised as an administration area, the majority of the works being undertaken here are to remove sinks, toilets, and outlets which are no longer required for use.   Once complete, this area will also receive its 3 rounds of compliance testing, and regulatory inspections before a reopening date is confirmed.

We are incredibly grateful for your continued patience and understanding as these extensive remedial works are completed.  Undertaking remedial works in considerable older buildings is never an easy task, and we thank all of our teams for their ongoing commitment to ready the facilities, enabling patients and staff to return as soon as possible.

Kind regards


Jennifer Jarvis

Senior Communications Advisor | East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership

John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington, EH41 3HA

Putting the jigsaw together

Public meeting invite

Notice of Public Meeting – Innerwick Village Hall – 25th April at 7:30pm

Landfill restoration / offshore wind landfall / Eastern Link / battery storage / Converter stations / Torness de-commissioning / solar farms / onshore wind – all coming to a field near you soon – but how do they all fit together?  How can we influence this? 

East Lammermuir Community Council are hosting a public meeting with all developers and companies together. We want to see the combined proposals all at once and discuss any improvements that could be made – including creative by-products of all of this work.