A local resident has contacted the Chronicle to say that bird-watchers have been reporting a drop in the numbers of barn owls, and would like local people to report any sightings (or hearings ?) of these birds. Please report any information in the first instance to eastlammermuircommunitycouncil@yahoo.com. We will collect all information and pass it on to our correspondent. We will also report back in due course on the outcome of this appeal.
Change of venue
The next meeting of the Community Council, at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 17 January, will now be held in Innerwick Village Hall, and not in Oldhamstocks Village Hall, as advertised earlier.
MInutes of meeting, 29th November 2011
held on Tuesday 29 November, 2011 in
Spott Village Hall
Present: Cllrs C Bruce (chair)/ J Hanvidge/B Wyllie/P Armstrong/M Mylne
P Swain/M Ramsay
In Attendance: Cllrs J Bell/P Mclennan
1:00 Apologies: Cllr D Charlton/ P Jaffray
Mainstream Renewable Power gave an hour’s presentation of the proposed Neart Na Gaoith offshore wind farm which they hope to have planning permission granted for in early 2012. Cllr Bruce asked what benefits would there be to the area. It was hoped that various businesses would take advantage of the opportunities that will arise. The redevelopment of Dunbar Harbour is being looked at; it is hoped this would bring substantial benefits.
4:00 Police Business:
Over the Halloween and Bonfire night celebrations few calls were received. Additional officers were out on patrol over this period.
A number of issues have arisen in relation to the dark nights. Firstly the numbers of residents in the area who ride pedal cycles during the hours of darkness wearing dark clothing and not using lights. Attention was drawn to the Highway Code.
The number of stray dogs being handed in to Dunbar Police Station is a concern and causing a strain on resources. At present stray dogs have to be transported to Seafield cat and dog home. All dog owners must ensure their dog wears a collar with a tag with a contact number. It is an offence not to do so which is covered under the Control of Dogs Order 1992.
Lothian & Borders Police are investigating after cash machines at two East Lothian supermarkets were tampered with. An engineer alerted police after discovering a card-skimming device attached to an RBS ATM at Asda, Spott Road. Officers removed the device which is believed to have been on the machine for around 48hours. Anyone who used the ATM during this period is urged to check their bank account.
A member of the public contacted police when seeing two men acting suspiciously around a cash machine located at Tescos, North Berwick. Upon investigation the machine had been tampered with and anyone seeing these men is urged to get in touch with the police.
The next Dunbar Community and Police Partnership meeting will be held at Dunbar Police Station at 7.30pm on 7 December. The meeting is an open forum and all members of the public are welcome to attend and discuss any concerns they have in relation to the Dunbar area.
The three priorities for this month are road traffic issues, youth issues, dog fouling and fly tipping.
5:00 Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer reported a balance of £885.42
6:00 Matters Arising: Action
Windfarm workshop: Date Sunday 15 January 2012, meet 12.45 for light lunch at 1pm. Ruchlaw Mains, thanks to Cllr Wyllie. Margo White will be facilitator. It is hoped that proposals can be drawn up.
Wester Dodd Wind farm: Aikengall 2 :- Nil to report
Ferneylea Wind Farm application: Nil to report
Blackburn Wind Farm application; Nil to report
BeGreen, Dunbar & District: Susan Guy from Sustainable Dunbar and Ian Waugh for Community Interest Company are to be asked to come and speak to ELCC. Cllrs Bruce and Hanvidge will arrange. CB&JH
Belhaven Hospital Forum: Cllr Hanvidge attended last meeting. Cllr Mclennan reports that a Newsletter will be sent to the whole of the ward updating what is going on.
It was noted that there appears to be a hole in the community care service for outlying areas in East Lammermuir. Agencies can’t fund/recruit staff. With the winter months almost upon us and the chance that we will have another severe winter, councillors were asked if they could identify people ‘at risk’ within their area. It was decided that the Newsletter could encourage neighbours to be neighbourly and to look out for anyone in need of help during the winter months. PS
It was hoped that someone from NHS Lothian and a Social Work representative could come and explore possible support for rural East Lammermuir.
7:00 Councillors’ Reports
Lafarge: Meeting Tuesday 6 December.
Relbus: Cllr Armstrong reports that he has had a good response.
Viridor: Cllr Charlton attended the recent meeting of the Viridor Landfill Tax Credits Panel at Oxwellmains on Wednesday 23 November. Important information is that in March 2012 Future Balance / Forward Scotland will no longer exist; therefore Viridor are planning to manage the applications and funds themselves. Michael Cunningham who was the finance manager for Future Balance will be employed on a part-time basis by Viridor to advise and visit the projects in Scotland. Due to some changes in policy by Entrust, certain applications will no longer be possible to fund. More information regarding this will follow. All applications will be sent to Viridor Head office in Taunton, England.
The main changes are:
1 Applications will only be considered from projects within a ten mile radius of Dunbar Landfill
2 Applications will only be considered within East Lothian. Any that do not sit within the boundary of East Lothian can no longer be funded
3 Applications will no longer be limited to £30,000
Cllr Charlton asked if we were happy for her to continue to represent ELCC on this committee, there was unanimous approval.
Commission on Rural Education, call for evidence: Parents asked to complete form Stenton school have had notification. Cllr Bruce will ask Cockburnspath school if they are engaging in this.
Leap project: All four villages have applied
Stenton : further upgrade of the Bughts
Innerwick: Hand rail required in park
Spott: Repair of wall behind playpark
Oldhamstocks: Replace bridge that was washed away – Lafarge willing to support
Planning: Four applications for alterations to private dwellings in the Stenton area have been lodged, together with one application for the erection of one wind turbine at Redacre, Pressmennan. Planning application has also been lodged for one wind turbine at Woodhall Farm, Innerwick.
A planning application has also been lodged for the erection of restaurant, licensed bar, hotel, living accommodation and formation of car parking at Spott Road, Dunbar.
8:00 Correspondence
There was an invitation from Probus Club to attend a reception
Newsletter: Cllr Swain is keen for an input from others. He requested that the quantity be increased by 30.
9:00 Date of Next meeting: 17 January, 2012 at Oldhamstocks
Suggested future dates
Tuesday 28th Feb
Tuesday 10th April
Tuesday 22nd May
Tuesday 3rd July
Tuesday 21st August
Tuesday 2nd October