Dunbar Medical Centre Patients Group latest newsletter is available by clicking here
Contents include: Coronavirus advice, Easter Closure Dates, Dunbar in Bloom, Dunbar Grammar Mental Health Week
East Lammermuir Community Council ARCHIVE
serving the communities in and around Innerwick, Oldhamstocks, Spott and Stenton
Dunbar Medical Centre Patients Group latest newsletter is available by clicking here
Contents include: Coronavirus advice, Easter Closure Dates, Dunbar in Bloom, Dunbar Grammar Mental Health Week
In light of the ongoing developments resulting from the Coronavirus, the health talk due to take place on Wednesday 25th March in Dunbar Medical Centre has been cancelled until further notice.
email: dunbarppg@hotmail.com if you require further information
The Crystal Rig IV Public Inquiry is taking place in Duns from 10th to 13th March 2020. East Lammermuir Community Council was represented at the Inquiry by Chair, Chris Bruce on Tuesday 10th March where he presented the findings of the CR IV postal survey recently carried out by ELCC. His well received statement can be viewed here and on the Scottish Government Planning and Environmental Appeals Divisions (DPEA) webcast page for WIN-140-8 (Tuesday, 10th March 2020 at 9:30am) from approximately 2:22:00 to 2:45:00 into the webcast.
The introduction of webcasting by DPEA is part of a strategy to enhance public access to open and transparent discussions on planning issues.Those who are not able to attend inquires or hearings in person, are able to watch sessions on a live or on-demand (archive) basis and remain connected to the planning process without being there.