Weekend Collection of Garden Waste, 2nd and 9th May

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

A garden waste collection will take place over two weekends – 2/3 May and 9/10 May.

During these weekends residents should place their brown bin at the kerbside on the relevant Saturday morning no later than 07:00 and leave out until collected which can be up to 4pm on the Sunday.

East Lothian Council crews will collect from all properties however issues may arise out-with their control where they are unable to complete a collection given the scale of the operation being carried out or due to access issues. If this occurs, ELC apologise in advance to any residents who may miss this collection. If your bin is not collected by 4pm on the Sunday please retrieve your brown bin and continue to store your garden waste until ELC have the resources available to attempt collections again.

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