ELCC Draft Minutes of Meeting held March 20 2018

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.


Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held in Spott Village Hall on
Tuesday 20 March, 2018

Present: Cllrs: Elisabeth Wilson/Janice Hanvidge/Janette MacDonald/Colin Bloomfield/Cris Bruce

1:00 Apologies: Cris Thacker*/Anne Lyall/Donna Collins
*CT arrived to attend the meeting at 9.05pm and apologised for not
being able to attend earlier, due to work commitments.

In attendance: Pauline Jaffray

Chair, CB welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked AL&CT for organising the opening of the hall and the supply of refreshments in their absence.

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