Police Scotland Introduce Lone Officer Verification Checks

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Police Scotland is immediately introducing a simple officer verification process to provide reassurance to any member of the public who may be concerned about whether or not they are being spoken to by a genuine police officer working alone.

The move follows the understandable public concern surrounding the horrendous murder of Sarah Everard

On duty officers operating on their own will now proactively offer to carry out a verification check for anyone they come across who appears to be concerned for their safety. A member of the public can also request that a verification check be done.
Continue reading “Police Scotland Introduce Lone Officer Verification Checks”

Beware of Vaccine Scam

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Neighbourhood Watch Scotland have received reports that a fake NHS text message is circulating, telling people that they are eligible to apply for the COVID-19 vaccine.

When you click on the link, you are taken to a convincing fake NHS website that asks for personal details including bank account information. Any text message containing a link should be treated with caution. The best way to find information from GOV.UK, or any other agency, is to visit that particular website via a trusted source (such as through Google or Bing) and do not click on links in unsolicited texts or emails. Continue reading “Beware of Vaccine Scam”

Theft of Sheep Coldingham Moor – Witness Appeal

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Theft of Sheep

Witness Appeal –

A1107 Coldingham Moor between Monday 22nd June and Sunday 28th June 2020, approximately 30 sheep have been stolen from a flock of 90. The sheep were within a field adjacent to the A1107, Coldingham Moor. If anybody has seen any suspicious activity in the area it is requested you contact Police on 101 quoting reference number 2916 of the 28th June 2020. If you wish to report information anonymously you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or by completing their online form at crimestoppers-uk.org