Shielding Advice Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

The Scottish government has updated its shielding guidance available online at

It confirms people are being asked to continue to shield until 31 July – but from 18 June, people should be able leave their homes for exercise as long as infection rates are low enough.

The first minister will confirm whether infection rates are indeed low enough at her briefing on 17 June

Face Coverings

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

ELCC recently managed to buy a small number of washable face coverings which you or someone you know living in East Lammermuir might wish to consider using if visiting shops or public places.

See below for scottish government guidelines regarding wearing these:

If you would like one please get in touch with your local COVID-19 co-ordinator (see below) who will deliver this to you as soon as possible free of charge.

Innerwick – Suzie Fletcher 07562 523 904 or Julia Harrison 07840 991 752
Oldhamstocks – Janice Hanvidge 07436 991 460
Spott – Anne Lyall 07814 051 289 or Carey Douglas 07515 116 907
Stenton – Janette Macdonald 01368 850665

Test and Protect

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Test and Protect is Scotland’s way of putting into practice the ‘test, trace, isolate, support’ strategy to preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the community.

It will prevent the spread of coronavirus in the community by:

  • identifying cases of coronavirus through testing
  • tracing the people who may have become infected by spending time in close contact with them
  • supporting those close contacts to self-isolate, so that if they have the disease they are less likely transmit to it to others