New East Lothian Policing Plan Public Consultation

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

The new East Lothian policing plan starting April 2020 (3 year plan) is in the process of being developed. Chief Inspector Neil Mitchell, Local Area Commander will be engaging with as many people who live and work in East Lothian as he can, but is looking for assistance with this.

Please complete the short survey from the link below and share this link as widely as you  so it can reach as many people as possible.

This is just the start of the process with much more engagement to be done over the coming weeks.

Paper forms will be available at Police Stations.

Dunbar North 20mph Speed Limit Consultation

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

East Lothian Council are now assessing the impact of the current 20mph speed limit trial to determine whether permanent changes should be made in the north of Dunbar to match that in the south. East Lammermuir Community Council would like to encourage all residents who frequent Dunbar to complete this survey so that your views can be taken into account.

Click here to take the survey. The survey closes on September 22nd 2019.

Rural Community Broadband Survey Results

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

ruralbroadbandThe Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership have published a report summarising the results of the recent Community Broadband Survey.

528 responses were received to the survey, 69 of which came from the East Lammermuir area.

Unsurprisingly, a huge majority (80%) of respondant premises reported that they were dissatisfied with their current broadband provision. A massive 99% of respondants stated they would be interested in accessing superfast broadband in the future, and 72% of those stated that they would be prepared to pay more to have access to it, despite concerns that the rural communities were being disadvantaged by the lack of effective broadband provision.

View the report and find out what will happen next by clicking Rural Broadband survey – Summary report