Have Your Say on Viridor’s Proposal for a Polymer Recycling Facility

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Due to current constraints on organising public meetings, Viridor are hosting a virtual exhibition where you can find detailed information about their proposals for a Polymer Recycling Facility beside the Dunbar Energy Recovery Facility at Oxwellmains

Before Viridor submit a planning application to East Lothian Council, they want to know your views on their proposals. Feedback is welcomed which, where possible, will help to shape the application that is submitted. The deadline for submitting your comments is 5pm on Friday 13 November 2020.
Visit the project website at www.viridor.consultationonline.co.uk between Wednesday 21 October and Friday 13 November 2020 to find out more about the proposals and to have your say.* Continue reading “Have Your Say on Viridor’s Proposal for a Polymer Recycling Facility”

Viridor Dunbar ERF – NHS Scotland Healthcare Waste Contract Official Statement

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
An Artist’s Impression of Viridor Facility

Viridor issued a statement today, with input from both NHSScotland and SEPA, regarding a contract for the treatment of Healthcare Waste at the Dunbar Incinerator (ERF Energy Recovery Facility).

This follows the withdrawal of services to NHSScotland which were previously supplied by Healthcare Environmental Services Ltd (HES).

Discussions with SEPA and the Scottish Government have been undertaken and all parties are aware that Viridor has not previously received this type of waste (and had no plans to do so) but requested Viridor’s assistance with a project of national importance. Viridor has been asked to assist NHSScotland as a short-term measure while its incoming contractor mobilises its services.

The type of waste the Dunbar ERF will receive from NHS Scotland would typically include: dressings, swabs, used PPE (personal protective equipment), wipes, nappies and incontinence pads. This waste stream specifically excludes: sharps (needles and other sharp instruments), anatomical waste, laboratory wastes and other specialist wastes such as hazardous pharmaceuticals and radioactive waste.

To read the full official statement click here