George Kerevan Easter Road Show

George Kerevan MPGeorge Kerevan, MP is holding advice surgeries in 19 new locations over the Easter holidays, including 3 East Lammermuir Villages.

On Wednesday 6 April he will be at:
Stenton Village Hall from 11.45 to 12.15pm
Innerwick Village Hall from 12.30 to 1.00pm
Oldhamstocks Village Hall from 1.15 to 1.45pm

click here for further information

Stenton Footlights Present The Derners, 16th to 19th March 2016

the derners


Mary Strathie’s 2 Act bittersweet comedy ‘THE DERNERS‘ will be performed by the Stenton Footlights on Wednesday 16th to Saturday 19th March 2016 at 7:30pm in Stenton Village Hall.

Tickets:   Adults £7      U16 £5  

Tickets from Janette MacDonald Tel:01368 850665 or email

Raffle & Refreshments available every night