East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes of Meeting held 12th May 2015

Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held on Tuesday 12 May, 2015 in
Stenton Bowling Club
Present: Cllrs: Janice Hanvidge/Chris Bruce (Chair)/Peter Armstrong/
Anne Lyall/Barbara Wyllie/Janette MacDonald/Jason Ormiston/
Donna Collins
In attendance: Cllr Michael Veitch/Pauline Jaffray
1:00 Apologies: None
Introductions Cllr Bruce introduced Stuart Gibb, area manager for Dunbar and Haddington Area Partnership. Mr Gibb has been in post for two months and explained his role and the structure of the Area Partnership. There are six area partnerships in East Lothian, with four area managers. The Area Partnership is the local voice of community planning and one of the key elements is to identify issues which need to be addressed within the communities of East Lothian. A key issues document will be compiled and once agreed included in the draft area plan. The Area Partnership is made up of local organisations and local government and as an area manager Stuart Gibb will support the partnership and deliver the agreed plan.

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East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes for Meeting held 10th March 2015

Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held on Tuesday 10 March, 2015 in
Oldhamstocks Village Hall
Present: Cllrs: Janice Hanvidge/Chris Bruce (Chair)/Peter Armstrong/
Anne Lyall/Barbara Wyllie/Janette MacDonald
In attendance: Jason Ormiston, Fouracres, Innerwick
David Walls & Ian Smith, Lothian Broadband
1:00 Apologies: Cllr Michael Veitch/Pauline Jaffray/ Cllr Donna Collins
2:00 Introductions Cllr Bruce introduced Mr Jason Ormiston from Innerwick who was
co-opted onto the committee filling the Innerwick Vacancy for the
remaining term of office.
3:00 Lothian Broadband Cllr. Bruce introduced Mr David Walls & Mr Ian Smith from Lothian Broadband who were invited to present an overview of what their company could provide to address the superfast broadband shortfall in rural areas.
In summary it was noted that: Continue reading “East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes for Meeting held 10th March 2015”

East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes for Meeting held 27 January 2015


Minutes of Meeting of

East Lammermuir Community Council

held on Tuesday 27 January, 2015 in

Innerwick Village Hall

Present:               Cllrs:      Donna Collins/Janice Hanvidge/Chris Bruce (Chair)/Peter Armstrong/ Anne Lyall/Barbar Wyllie/Janette MacDonald

In attendance:  PC Gavin Ross/Pauline Jaffray

1:00        Apologies:          Cllr Michael Veitch

2:00        Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 25 November, 2014:  The minutes were approved.

3:00        Any items to be added to agenda:

            3:01        Main Issues Report

3:02        Aikengall IIa

3:03        Superfast Broadband

3:04        East Lothian Fracking

4:00        Police Business:               PC Gavin Ross submitted the following report and once again stressed the importance of rural inhabitants, locking doors, buildings, cars etc for maximum security. He further advised the ‘travellers’ who had been insitu at Skateraw were gradually moving on.  Those still on site, were now all on East Lothian Council land, who were in the process of raising an eviction order.

During the period since the last police report of 25 November 2014 there have been very few incidents of note in the East Lammermuir Ward area.  There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations I cannot give full details.

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