105 – The New National Telephone Number for Power Cuts


A new national phone number “105”, has been launched by all electricity network operators for customers to call should they need to report or get information about a power cut in their area. Instead of dialling 0800 numbers, customers will be able to call the new “105” number.

Dialling 105 will put customers through to their local electricity network operator – the company that manages the cables, power lines and substations that deliver electricity into homes and businesses in their area. 105 is a free service for people in Scotland, England and Wales. Customers can also call 105 if they spot damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put anyone in danger. If there’s a serious immediate risk, customers should call the emergency services too.

Community Council Elections

Community_Council_Logo_Scottish_GovernmentThe current term of office for East Lothian Community Councils is coming to an end in the next few weeks.

As volunteers, your East Lammermuir Community Councillors have worked hard for our community in many different ways, from organising or helping to run community events, to representing local interests to East Lothian Council and other public and private bodies, as well as continuing to work closely with our partners in the Area Partnerships.

Elections for this our most local level of democracy, are scheduled for this October and East Lothian Council will shortly be issuing details of how to get involved.

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Neart na Gaoithe Duct Block Works near Torness starts 8th August 2016

mainstream logoA discrete element of advance construction works for Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm will commence in August. This involves installing concrete blocks to house cable ducts underneath the location of the new Torness cables, which are currently being installed by Scottish Power Transmission (SPT), prior to the new Torness cables being installed.

The site of the works is immediately south of the A1 junction with the Torness Power Station (Grid reference – NT 74347 74503) and its current use is for arable agriculture. However, it should be noted that SPT have already fenced off the area and stripped the site of vegetation and topsoil in preparation for their cable installation work.

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