Local Development Plan – Main Issues Report in Innerwick Hall

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

MIR front cover image


A copy of the East Lothian Council Main Issues Report is currently located in Innerwick Village Hall.

This is a consultation document setting out potential options for development strategy and locations in East Lothian.



In East Lammermuir, sites in Innerwick, Spott and Stenton have been suggested for potential housing development. Please feel free to look at the report and make appropriate comment to East Lothian Council via their consultation hub at www.eastlothianconsultations.co.uk by Sunday 8th February 2015.

The report is also available online at www.eastlothian.gov.uk/ldp and is available at planning reception at John Muir House and public libraries.

Local residents are also encouraged to express their feelings about the development plan to their local East Lammermuir Community Councillors.

Where Are Your Special Landscape Places in East Lothian?

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

East Lothian Council is looking for suggestions of areas within East Lothian that people regard as special.

These can be places that you enjoy visiting, places with beautiful scenery, places for recreation, natural places, places that have historical importance, or places with a particular importance to you. The areas should be in the countryside, or natural areas within towns. They can range in size from small beauty spots or isolated landscape features to more extensive landscapes.

As part of this, East Lothian Council are also looking for suggestions of where the best views in East Lothian are. These could be local or long distance, and could be views looking out from or towards East Lothian.

Any suggestions are welcome, which you can submit via the consultation hub. Alternatively, you can write to Policy and Projects, East Lothian Council, John Muir House, Haddington EH41 3HA, or email landscape@eastlothian.gov.uk

The consultation is open until 1st March 2015.

This is part of a review of all of East Lothian’s landscapes.

See more here

PlayTalkRead Bus

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

PlayTalkRead roadshow is set to come to East Lothian 19th January. This is a fab, free early years initiative which is open to parents and carers in the area to come along and enjoy some free activities.

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