Take Part in a Big Climate Conversation Locally in East Linton or Innerwick

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

There are two chances to take part in a Big Climate Conversation locally:

East Linton Community Hall, Monday 21 October 7.30 – 10.30pm
If you’d like to share your ideas and views on Scotland’s response to the climate emergency, and have them fed back directly to the Scottish Government then here is your chance. The evening will be facilitated by MAD Challenges, and will also cover an overview of the latest climate sustainability science and Scotland’s progress in addressing the challenges to date.
If you’d like to come along, please sign up via Event Brite – link here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/east-linton-big-climate-conversation-tickets-72457499331


Innerwick Parish ChurchTuesday 29th October, 7:30pm
What can Scotland do to combat Climate Change? What can we do in Innerwick?

Big Climate Change Conversations are sponsored by the Scottish Government. Come and hear an overview of the present situation, discuss what we can do locally and what, as citizens, we would like our Council and governments to do.

All welcome

Further information email: dmumford@phonecoop.coop

Dunbar & East Linton Area Partnership Annual Public Meeting, Thursday 9th May 2019

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Dunbar & East Linton Area Partnership are holding their annual public meeting this coming Thursday at 7:30pm in the Bleachingfield Centre, Dunbar.


This is an Opportunity to hear about the work of your Area Partnership and ask questions about the work they do.


For more information on the Area Partnership, contact them by email on dandel-ap@eastlothian.gov.uk or call 01620 827871