Abbeyfield House, East Linton – Assisted Living Rooms Available Now

abbeyfield-house-eh40-3ajThere are rooms available in Abbeyfield House, 4 School Road, East Linton.
These are en-suite, unfurnished rooms – two of which are brand new – and are in a family atmosphere house for older people in the centre of East Linton. There is a lift installed.
Heating, lighting, and laundry services are included in the monthly charge as are all meals – lunch and tea are prepared by the housekeeper.
This accommodation is ideal for older people wishing to avoid the problems of maintaining a house, with all the attendant bills, etc. and is affordable by all.
Abbeyfield House has a total of eight rooms.
For further details contact:
Beverley Lister 01620 860 675
or John Cowan 01620 860 704

For more information on Abbeyfield elderly care and accommodation please visit their website by clicking here

East Linton Gala Parking Restrictions Saturday 13th June 2015

No-Parking-ConesEast Lothian Council will implement parking restrictions on Saturday 13th June in order to facilitate East Linton Gala celebrations. Waiting, loading and unloading will be prohibited at various locations in the town centre between the hours of 11am to 4:30pm. Pedestrian and emergency vehicle access will be maintained.

For further information and a map showing parking restrictions please click here