Mobile Covid Testing Arrangements Dunbar from 18th to 26th June

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Almost 1 in 3 people with the virus don’t realise they have it and could be passing it on, especially to younger people who have not yet had the vaccine. With cases of the virus continuing to rise in East Lothian, a number of testing options continue to be in place locally for people who don’t have symptoms – a fever, cough, or loss or change of smell.

People with NO COVID-19 symptoms can get tested at the Mobile testing units operating at Dunbar Leisure Pool from 10am-6pm on the following dates:

Friday, 18 June, Saturday 19 June, and Monday 21 June to Saturday 26 June

Click here for other testing options available throughout East Lothian

Beware of Vaccine Scam

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Neighbourhood Watch Scotland have received reports that a fake NHS text message is circulating, telling people that they are eligible to apply for the COVID-19 vaccine.

When you click on the link, you are taken to a convincing fake NHS website that asks for personal details including bank account information. Any text message containing a link should be treated with caution. The best way to find information from GOV.UK, or any other agency, is to visit that particular website via a trusted source (such as through Google or Bing) and do not click on links in unsolicited texts or emails. Continue reading “Beware of Vaccine Scam”