East Lothian Council Update:- Help Available During New Restrictions

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Help for those who are self-isolating for any reason is available on East Lothian Council website and includes:

  • Self-isolation support grants
  • Other financial support for individuals and businesses
  • Access to emergency community food provision
  • Warm clothing grants
  • Crisis grants
  • Winter fuel grants
  • Mental health support
  • Befriending via the Royal Voluntary Service
  • Digital support


NHS Hearing Aid batteries can be obtained from either visiting the council’s main offices or libraries or by contacting the Audiology service directly by email:  audiology@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or by phone on 0131 536 1637 during the following hours:  Mon – Fri 10 am – 1 pm and 2 pm – 4 pm.

Main council office and library opening hours are as follows:
John Muir House, Haddington  Mon–Fri 9am–1pm
Brunton Hall, Musselburgh  Mon–Fri 10am–12 noon and 1–4pm
Musselburgh Library  Mon–Fri 10am–1pm and 2–4pm
Haddington Library, John Gray Centre  Mon–Fri 10am–1pm and 2–4pm
Dunbar Library, Bleachingfield Centre  Mon–Fri 10am–1pm and 2–4pm
North Berwick Library  Mon–Fri 10 am–1pm and 2–4pm

Pharmacies can deliver medicines, patients just need to contact their local pharmacy directly to arrange this.

Financial assistance
East Lothian Council has received £327,000 from the Scottish Government to support individuals at financial risk over the winter months. This funding is being used to:

  • Increase the grants available under the Scottish Welfare Fund, specifically Crisis Grants and Community Care Grants.
  • Increase the Discretionary Housing Payment Fund to assist tenants who have experienced new/increased rent arrears in 2020/21.
  • Create a new Fuel Insecurity Fund which can provide financial assistance to households in financial hardship and with fuel debts who may not be eligible for a Crisis Grant from the Scottish Welfare Fund.
  • Support to tackle food insecurity in our communities by providing support for community based food initiatives and support for the Fareshare Hub.
  • Additional funding for emergency payments from Children and Adult Social Work to support families, young people and vulnerable adults in financial hardship.


Details of these funding streams are available in the Financial Support during COVID-19 leaflet on the council website.

For more information on assistance available you can call East Lothian Council’s dedicated Coronavirus helpline on 01875 824300.