Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
On 6 July, I reported that the recent meeting of the community council had heard concerns from residents in and around Oldhamstocks about a proposal by Berwickshire Housing Association to build a windfarm at Hoprigshiels. Chairman Chris Bruce had arranged a limited opinion survey that had produced inconclusive results. Several local residents offered to assist in carrying out a more extensive survey, and I can now report the results of this. A survey form was distributed locally and people were invited to complete and return the form, indicating their views.
The numbers of indivdual respondents expressing opinions were:-
Strongly opposed 60
Tend to oppose 3
Neither support nor oppose 15
Tend to support 8
Strongly support 24
This majority of respondents tending to oppose or strongly opposing has now been reflected in a letter sent by the Chairman on behalf of the community council to the Planning Department of Scottish Borders Council expressing, on behalf of the local community, our opposition to this proposal.
Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
The second issue of our newsletter is currently (26 July) being distributed. This brings news from the Community Council meeting held on June 28th. Its production has unfortunately been delayed because of holidays, not least those of the printers. We hope that the next issue – due to follow the next meeting on 30 August in Innerwick Village Hall – will be unaffected by holidays and will appear more promptly.