ELC Land Management Rules Consultation

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

East Lothian Council intends making Land Management Rules for the Council’s Countryside sites, Parks, Nature Reserves & Greenspaces. These look to address growing concerns about the use of East Lothian outdoor spaces following the changing ways we are all using these spaces in light of the ongoing pandemic.

East Lothian Council is committed to ensuring all residents, visitors and users of our green spaces can continue to enjoy these areas. These new rules are designed to give our countryside rangers and wardens the confidence and scope to keep all users safe, while ensuring that all users are aware not only of what is expected of them while in our green spaces, but also of the consequences for those who do not respect our green spaces and or repeatedly use these spaces irresponsibly and without consideration for others.

The proposals are outlined in the ‘Draft Land Management Rules’. Please read this file before answering the survey questions.

ELC invite all those with an interest in East Lothian green spaces, parks, nature reserves and countryside sites to comment on these proposed rules.

How Coronavirus is Affecting You – EU Research Project

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Edinburgh University’s Generation Scotland team and network are urgently researching the effect the Covid-19 situation – and the government’s policies regarding it – are having on the lives of people in the U.K., and, importantly, who is being affected.

It is a major survey of which interim results are already beginning to have an impact at national policy level in Scotland.

From the survey information: ‘We’d like to invite you to take part in a research Continue reading “How Coronavirus is Affecting You – EU Research Project”

Police Scotland Survey re Public Confidence since Lockdown

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Police Scotland are undertaking a survey (link below) in tracking public confidence levels and experience of their approach to policing since the COVID 19 lockdown. The survey will also capture people’s feeling of safety and any concerns they may have which Police Scotland can address operationally and through their information campaigns. It will be a continuous survey to support local policing and provide a tool for partnership engagement. We encourage you to complete this survey and to circulate it so it reaches as many people as possible:
